
What is Dialysis?
The process of dialysis mimics the functions of human kidneys if they have failed. The process makes use of a machine that filters and purifies the blood, keeping the fluids and electrolytes in balance. Dialysis is crucial in the filtration of waste, impurities and excess water from the body, and to control blood pressure and regulate the chemical content of sodium and potassium in the blood. It prevents waste from poisoning other nearby organs. While dialysis is a crucial treatment process, it is not a cure for kidney failure or any other ailments.
There are 5 different types of dialysis offered at Apollo Dialysis Clinics:
1. Hemodialysis:
In the procedure of Hemodialysis, a special filter that performs the function of the kidneys and acts as an artificial kidney known as a dialyzer, as well as a dialysis machine, is attached to the patient’s body in order to clean the blood. In order for the blood to enter the dialyzer so as to be cleaned, the doctor needs to access your blood vessels. For this, a minor surgery is performed, usually in the arm, so as to access the blood vessels, and gain access to your blood.

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2. Peritoneal Dialysis:
It involves surgery that implants a PD catheter into the abdomen. It filters the blood through the peritoneum, which is an abdominal membrane. A fluid called dialysate is infused into the peritoneum which absorbs excess waste. Once the waste has been drawn, the dialysate is removed from the abdomen. The process takes a few hours and is repeated several times in a day. The important types of peritoneal dialysis are continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), which must be performed while the patient is awake, continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis (CCPD) which is conducted while the patient is asleep.
3. Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT):
This is used mainly for patients that suffer from acute kidney failure, and are in an intensive care unit. The process is alternatively called hemodiafiltration. The machine uses tubing to pass the blood, and a filter then absorbs excess waste and fluids. The blood is returned to the body, along with some replacement fluid. The procedure is repeated as needed, and is nearly continuous, lasting 12 to 24 hours a day.
4. Sustained low efficiency dialysis (SLED):
Sustained low efficiency dialysis or SLED, is a recent hybrid dialysis methodology, which is increasingly used for patients with renal failure in the intensive unit.
5. Paediatric Dialysis:
Paediatric Dialysis is used for kids who have any form of kidney failure, and their system is unable to filter blood or process wastes. It is similar to conventional adult dialysis procedures with some unique challenges posed by the smaller size of the children.
It is similar to conventional adult dialysis procedures with some unique challenges posed by the smaller size of the children.